For : Poetry Pantry
From the blue shadowy Himalayas
You came and held out your arms
So that I might reach you
You were breathing peace
Time stood still, so was the inner me
All waves, bubbles and frothy thoughts ceased
You seized me and I was engulfed in you
Was thy magic touch the ‘manna dew’?
I saw, touched and tasted it
But that was a long time ago………………………………
Now all colors have faded
Lotus buds with black and white petals
Open and close mechanically
Words with razor’s edge
Wait and secretly lie for me
Storm rages within me and no sunshine in sight
I shall drag on like this for how long I know not
But I live in the hope of seeing you my old friend
As darkness, slowly rolling and engulfing me forever.
(the prompt was silence @ Poetry Jam)
(the prompt was silence @ Poetry Jam)