Saturday, 20 September 2014


university students raise their voice against atrocities
of police & demand ouster of Vice Chancellor
image source here

The darkness

Hid them all

Even their suffering

But their musical voice

Clapping of hands

Pulled the sun hard

From the dark horizon

The hostile sky was forced

To smile in colors

Of rainbow

I know

That color band is not for long

Will there be a storm?

If there is let there be

I love their song

Halla bol Halla bol**


*Braving rains thousands of students from Presidency University, Calcutta University, Jadavpur University (JU) and other educational institutions marched on Kolkata streets on Saturday in a show of solidarity demanding resignation of JU VC after the alleged brutal police action on students inside JU Campus in the early hours of Wednesday.


**Raise your voice in Hindi


Posted for Poetry Pantry @ Poets United