Saturday, 17 May 2014

(A Terzanelle)
courtesy : google image

If there’s a deep depression at the Bay    
 The bone dry arid land hopes against hope
 A storm’s to brew to reach the sky they say

 It’s better to rise than sit, brood and mope
 What do these dark flying clouds indicate?
The bone dry arid land hopes against hope

Deflated brain waits to be in full spate
 The blistering heat’s fighting tooth and nail
The bone dry arid land hopes against hope

 The sea’s roaring, the stormy clouds do flail
Droplets poised and the lull’s almost broken
The blistering heat’s fighting tooth and nail

 Euterpe’s flute untie the notes to rain
Parched heart’s quick to drench in words to quench thirst
Droplets poised and the lull’s almost broken

 A rhythmic dance is to be seen at first
If there’s a deep depression at the bay
 Parched heart’s quick to soak in words to quench thirst
 A storm’s to brew to reach the sky they say

Posted for Kerry’s Sunday Form Challenge - Terzanelle @ Real Toads


Shared with Poetry Pantry @ Poets United