Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Father of My Nation


That non-violent heart of yours

Tasted three bullets

Served to you by your sons

I am Nirbhaya*

Born in the land of Buddha and you

They didn’t even spare me

My spirit won’t rest till you are reborn


Thou shouldst be living at this hour:

Bharat*** hath need of thee



*Nirbhaya means fearless (girl). India does not allow publicizing a rape victim’s name so the 23 year old girl who was gang raped and brutally assaulted in New Delhi in 2012 and later succumbed to the injuries was given the name Nirbhaya.


**Bapu ji is father in Hindi. Mahatma Gandhi was fondly called Bapu ji by the people of India.


***India is ‘Bharat’ in all the Indian languages.


The last two lines are taken from William Wordsworth’s poem London,1802 only I used the word Bharat instead of England.


Posted for Susan’s Midweek Motif ~ Fathers@ Poets United