Wednesday, 23 September 2015



Life is given.


The tree, roots down the dark earth

Shoots up to the luminous sky,

Branches out,

Stands the storm,

Bears fruit, sustenance,

Harbors life.

Its soul is made of forbearance,

Mercy and forgiveness.


Man hacks, chops, puts it to death

Yet it dreams for the wellbeing of others.


Mother Nature in her tree body

Shows the way

To live this earthly life.


We could be like it

Making this birth meaningful


Our choice.


Posted for Mary’s Midweek Motif ~ Choice @ Poets United


  1. Excellent. A tree is a a worthy mentor. It teaches us so many lessons. If only we would choose to follow her example instead of destroying. Trees do not destroy humankind, yet humankind thinks nothing of destroying well as themselves!

  2. Making birth meaningful .

    If only eh. I think at our core we all want that to be the case. But we take such misguided routes to get there. Usually greed, with mother nature as collateral damage.

    It is a choice.

  3. Perhaps we all should evaluate our own lives and decide whether we have been as much a benefit to the world as that tree is we admire.

  4. What a beautiful refection, and beautiful image of a tree. I love trees! And they are powerfully symbolic.

  5. The decimation of beautiful old trees so that folk can have views of the water down here is common place. I know you have karma in your religion and I do hope it is true and these bastards get their comeuppance !

  6. Profound! Trees bewitch us and offer a sense of association...Forgiveness is truly the attribute of the strong.:)
    Beautifully conceptualized, Sumana. Lovely...

  7. Whew! Such a challenge. Such a demand. Such a blessing to be the preserver of the tree and all it stands for. As usual, you "cutto the quick" and very poetically. I'm sharing this.

  8. Oh, this is brilliant! Dreaming of the wellbeing of others, making this birth meaningful - and then "Our choice" at the end. Perfection!

  9. Always...the choice...some of us make the wise one, and some of us don't.

  10. Yep. Are we helping or hurting? The choice is ours. You offered up some very good questions, Sumana. Excellent writing!

  11. Yes indeed. Nature giving giving giving
    Nice poem

    Much love...

  12. Such a deep & profound piece. Loved the closing lines :D

  13. Beautiful! This touched me--sometimes when we find empathy for others we find ourselves too

  14. "Mother Nature in her tree body
    Shows the way
    To live this earthly life."

    Yes! Such a beautiful poem brimming with wisdom.

  15. I so much want to be like the tree. I'll start by raising my arms to the sky. Thank you for this Sumana. It is lovely.

  16. A sobering last line...if only we could look to mother nature to guide us when our minds and thoughts and actions go astray - beautifully written..

  17. A meaningful life is so important.

  18. Trees, such wonderful beings...even wild ones, that come up in unusual places...

  19. Trees are good example to follow.

  20. Mother nature is showing the way ~ Make it meaningful resonates strongly with me Sumana ~

  21. Beautiful and delicate poem, Sumana, despite the dark message. We can only hope that humanity learns before it's too late to save the earth.


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