Wednesday, 30 September 2015

My Prayer

prayer flags: source

All my senses are weary of light, life

I look up to you dearest dark rest

Soothe my soul with thy healing touch

Let my eyes see not

Ears hear not

Tongue speak not

Let thy soft cool hands of love

Take away the hatred that corroded all cells

Let my warring earthly home

Be embraced by your peace made hands

Let us all recover

From this disease of Death



Posted for Susan’s Midweek Motif ~ Recovery / Healing @ Poets United


  1. A heartfelt plea. Sometimes we do need to look above for our healing....and know we are being heard.

  2. The prayer flags are so cool. Such a tangible way of letting go to write it there and leave it for the gods to collect. A removal of the hatred would be a beautiful step forward to healing as well.

    This is a beautiful prayer itself.

  3. A touching poem....dark and vivid, Sumana. It almost brought a lump to my throat. Beautifully penned....

  4. Oh so fervent a wish, which I share for the war-torn earth to be cupped in peaceful healing hands. Sigh. A beautiful poem, Sumana.

  5. Oh Oh Oh!
    I see the disease of Death is different than the healing of Death, the death that undoes the burden of evil our senses are exposed to in the outcome of hatred. I too yearn for a rest where life's "cool hands of love" is "healing touch." I've had to sit with these words a while as they convey a little more truth than I can bear, dear poet. Thank you for this prayer.

  6. A prayer so noble. What we wouldn't do to have peace on Earth. But somehow it is so elusive!


  7. Such a heartfelt write :D
    Beautifully penned.

    Lots of love,

  8. A soothing, beautiful prayer that touched my soul!

  9. O if only there were a way to recover from death!

  10. This plea is so heartfelt that ,of itself, it invites us to join our prayers to yours..

  11. this is yet another wonderful poem of hope. it is hope and strength that keeps others going...beautiful!

  12. Sadly that battle with death's untimeliness takes time. There is however always a part of your loved one within you still for they are part of you.

  13. A powerful poem Sumana - what I love about your writing is how gently you use word and language to convey such primal thoughts, fears and is both skilful and as others say beautiful...

  14. Beautiful, heartfelt prayer x

  15. I hope the warriors are listening. Very inspiring!

  16. So prayerful...beautiful...I really enjoy this,

    "Let my eyes see not
    Ears hear not
    Tongue speak not"

    To me, this speaks to a non-being sort of being...a way of getting out of the way being present for the Presence. Really special.

    Thank you.

  17. O, this is really healing prayer! Love the flags, very emotional, moving and hopefully works...

  18. Prayer heals the soul, and only if the soul is healed can we hope for the healing of the body...

  19. Those soft, cool hands... exactly what one needs in times of suffering and despair.


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