Sunday, 28 February 2016



Lots of plots

To coil and clot

Toil hard

Not to spoil

No need to guard

The slot of lips


Slop words

Over the tongue edge

Lop off truth

That MiGhT

Be the TrUmp card

Solicit supPort

Stop not

Till the top is reached

Politics Tick


Posted for Sunday Mini-Challenge: FASHION ME YOUR WORDS ~ Pierrot Granade hosted by Gillena @ Real Toads


  1. Nice! i like it Sumana; lots of fun in your word play (✿◠‿◠)

    have a great Sunday

    much love...

  2. There are tics in politics... it's all about sucking blood... I love your play on words, very apt when the whole world is engaged in the US elections.

  3. Love this! Politics TICK ME OFF, that's what they do. ;)
    I loved all the sound and word play in here, Sumana.

  4. Ha ha. Love this. We don't need any more TrUmp cards though. Smiles!

  5. *snicker* Blood sucking tick, that card you describe.

  6. They do, Sumana. I guess though, that that is the price of having a democracy. Tick Tock, Ticky Tacky Tock.
    BTW, I have set my comments to 'Moderate after post is 10 days old.' I also only allow the profile choices that you have yours set for. That pretty well straightened thing out for me.

  7. Trump + politics = a nightmare for all global citizens. You made those words work for you, Sumana!

  8. Though politics is not my cup of tea,interesting poetry


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