Thursday, 19 December 2013

      A Moment Remembered
The wonderful toys receded away
The child moved on with insatiable hunger
In his eyes, following the parsimonious parents
I was following him, keeping a sharp lookout
Without his knowledge of course
Until he lost trace of his parents
In that teeming hundreds of the village fair

Aw look at his panic stricken face
Oh how he is grieving his loss
Of the greatest gifts of God, his parents

‘Ma’m, the village is so small
He’ll find his parents’…say my pupils
Snapping my reverie…….’of course he will,
Mulk Raj Anand’s Lost Child’* I answer

And become a lost child myself
My heart secretly mourning
 For my father, in the classroom…..

*Mulk Raj Anand was a renowned author and critic of India. Most of his stories are based on the life of the toiling masses of India. Lost Child is a short story included in the English syllabus of secondary education in West Bengal.
Posted for Poetry Jam, Poetry Pantry @ PU & Real Toads 


  1. nice...will have to look it up and see if i can read lost child....the loss of parents is so hard as wifes mom died a couple years ago and...yeah i understand that....smiles.

  2. A very poignant poem here. (And an interesting story to look for.) It is hard to lose one's parents...whether one is young or older when it happens.

  3. I have read that story. Your experience with the reading and your emotions make it a very sentimental piece. Tenderly penned.

  4. Sumana,

    Thank you for sharing this experience and the background details. So realistic and viable in many places today...
    Best wishes,

  5. I shall check out the "lost child" when I get a minute

  6. i never heard about "lost child" but need to check it out... i lost my dad when i was this..

  7. I like a reading about reading and how empathy works. Our students need to see this in us.

  8. Heartbreakingly vivid. It makes me want to find the child and hold him, keep him safe.

  9. PS
    My heart sank when I got an error message saying my comment was lost, but it suggested refreshing the page, and voila, unlike the child, my comment wasn't lost.

  10. I like how you tie the author's story with your own in the last stanza! Very emotional Sumana!

  11. Beautifully written and even though I am unfamiliar with the story you convey the feelings very well. Thanks for posting this.

  12. Such sadness in this...beautifully written.

  13. I think most of us can remember a time in our childhood where we thought we were lost in a place full of strangers...
    Your poem captures this very well and you show great restraint in the way you have written it, making it all the more effective.

  14. Losing our parents will make us a lost child. That is true Sumana! Wonderful one!


  15. I remember that fear when my kids were little that I would lose them in a crowd! Your last stanza - the sadness, so sorry for your loss.


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