Wednesday, 26 March 2014

                                       courtesy : Google image
Two little girls of Third Grade
Gave me flowers in a spirit of play
Two Kadams* they were
Fleurs pour moi?
Les filles ont ri et ont disparu

The Kadam season passed
Their undaunted spirit plunged on origami
Two paper dolls I received
Tes poupee de papier
Est tres bien
Les filles ont ri et ont disparu

They are now in Seventh Grade
Kadams stick to the trees
Paper is a paper
Elles ont grandi

* Neolamarckia cadamba, commonly called Kadam ) is an evergreen, tropical tree native to South and Southeast Asia. . It has scented orange flowers in dense globe-shaped clusters. The flowers are used in perfumes. The tree is grown as an ornamental plant and for timber and paper-making. Kadam features in Indian mythology and religion.

Posted for Susan's Mid Week Motif`~In Two or More Languages @ Poets United


  1. What a beautifully sweet story this is, Sumana! It made me feel warm, as I am sure you did also when you received gifts from the girls.

  2. I truly enjoy this--even though I didn't understand all of the words. I like the three stages of the gifting and the mutual appreciation. I like that what seemed separate came together in the characteristic of the gifts--a deep unity. Thoughtful and loving!

  3. Gorgeous poetry, Sumana. Tagore immortalised this Kadam Tree in his poems too.lovely lines.....

  4. I LOVE this poem! I can see the girls' smiles, and yours........loved it.

  5. flowers and origami...both would be wonderful gifts...
    both to make you feel special...

  6. As a teacher, I could relate to the warm idea of receiving presents from sweet students. And, of course, your use of French made me smile.

  7. It's a very sweet poem - the girls are like butterflies

  8. very beautiful! i loved the way you ave woven emotions and nature. flowers wilt, bloom again, people move on, paper bits fly but the emotions of those moments remain

  9. I hope they were laughing in a kind way before they disappeared..i am sure so! Lovely words..and the flower sounds gorgeous too

  10. I love it when paper gifts become precious memories ~ Beautifully written Sumana ~

  11. Quite simply - Just a lovely piece of poetry, Sumana!

  12. Votre poem est tres charmant!

  13. Aw, what a sweet gesture. Thank you for the background on the Kadam as well.

  14. Beautiful. I enjoyed the circle... from flowers, to paper, to growth.

  15. Love this!!


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