Sunday, 20 April 2014

                                         courtesy : google image

                “Renounce all and do follow me”
                 All disregarded with much glee
                 Sighs in a nook a forlorn tree
Even the Giant broke his lofty wall to let the children in
The Child in that Elysium did soak all that was mean
Blessed was the Giant pure in heart getting rid of sin

                Who Art the Fishers of men?
                Whispering in sun and rain
                Leave mammon and once be sane

                There’s a mad gold-rush
                Films, songs pens and brush
                The world’s full of mush

                Someone…is in pain
               “I thirst” whose eyes rain?
Posted for Kerry’s prompt A Mini Challenge For Easter Sunday @ Real Toads
Shared with Poetry Pantry @ Poets United


  1. The world’s full of mush

    Nice expression and very apt in the present context of world situation. Wonderful write Sumana!


  2. a lovely easter poem...
    a mad gold rush, this is the time we live in i am afraid...and the giant and what he gave nearly forgot....smiles.

  3. " Who Art the Fishers of men?" - had to read this question over and over... interesting.

  4. I'm thrilled to see that you have tried out the cross form. Each stanza has something unique to offer. Your final question certainly hits home.

  5. The Churches are all packed someone is remembering!

  6. it does not take one Sunday in the many Sundays of the year being born of heart. Sunday like all other time frames are man made so the celebration of what is right amongst men should not be condensed to one small periond of time but should be throughout and ideally at all times

  7. Hopefully not and we all remember His pain & glory ~ Lovely work on the cross shaped poem ~

  8. Excellent work and imagery!

  9. Oh, yes, the world of mush. Sadly, that's where we reside now.

  10. "I thirst" - words to ponder in the heart. Beautiful, Sumana. I did have trouble with my old eyes reading the small font, but I persevered!

  11. i love the use of capitalization in this poem! great contemplative work.

  12. Beautifully worded poem Sumana,

  13. There’s a mad gold-rush Films, songs pens and brush The world’s full of mush....Profound...

  14. i loved the shape of the poem (a cross), very appropriate for the occasion. a profound piece of work. :)

  15. Sumana, I really like the message of this Easter poem. I do think we all thirst, and only one thing can really quench it.

  16. Movies, songs, written word - some are mush, others wonderful. We must train our hearts and mind to see the difference. Nice cross shape.

  17. " Who Art the Fishers of men?
    Whispering in sun and rain
    Leave mammon and once be sane"

    Love this and excellent shape given the day. Well done!


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