Thursday, 8 May 2014


             A  MANTRA

courtesy : google image

 “Why don’t you open your eyes
Before I rise?”
I sat up and saw the speaker
Melting in soft hues of love
Embracing the world
I joined in the Matins
Of the warblers
“Om bhu bhuwarswaha
Tatsavirtu varenyam
Bhargo Devasya dhimahi
Dhiyo yona prachodayat”*

*We meditate upon the most adorable luster of the Sun-god who inspires the functions of our intellect courtesy Wikipedia
The prayer rose from the sages’ voice of ancient India which is still heard in the murmur of countless lips….
Posted for Claudia’s prompt Conversation in Poetry @ d’Verse Meeting the Bar                   


  1. Essence of the universe" Gayatri mantra"!!

  2. prayer speaks in all languages and no language.

  3. The sun is a powerful reminder and testimony of God's creation. I like the idea that He does inspire the functions of the intellect

  4. Oh lovely conversation.. gayatri mantra that resonates in our being...beautifully done...

  5. ah cool prayer....and feeling the call to prayer as well...embracing the world is key...i need to translate your prayer too...

  6. Sometimes, a simple bow of the head to the wondrous beauty around us, is all the prayer it takes. Heart felt and contrite are the right attributes to communicate this. A thing of beauty you've written.

  7. How wonderful that you shared your spirituality through this prompt; novel, personal, important; thanks.

  8. That is a very interesting ancient prayer.
    Daily prayer and offerings are a nice way to start the day.

  9. i'm an early riser - so mostly i'm awake and ready to say hello to the sun as she goes up... love those peaceful morning moments...

  10. This is prayerfully beautiful, Sumana.

  11. so beautiful.. I only see the sunrise in winter... (when it's late enough..)

  12. " I sat up and saw the speaker
    Melting in soft hues of love" - Beautiful.

    And your notes, I find, are very interesting, Sumana.

  13. Thanks for the translation. Without it, I felt the narrator returning the warble of the birds which had its own significance. A fine way to wake ...

  14. Beautiful...oh if we could only sing like the warblers~

  15. That a lovely mantra to say in the morning ~ Thanks for sharing ~

  16. Beautiful words Sumana.
    Anna :o]


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