Thursday, 19 June 2014


courtesy : google image

The Earth stopped spinning yester night

Ether’s heavy with hue and cry

Celebs and brands all lost their sight

The Earth stopped spinning yester night

Lesser mortals with all their might

Scurried virtually to pry

The Earth stopped spinning yester night

Ether’s heavy with hue and cry


Posted for d’Verse where repetition is the theme today


  1. oh, what would we do if we lost our Internet the worldwide -- indeed, it would be like the Earth no longer spinning!

    loved the repetition here.

  2. ugh, I tell ya, so many people on twitter were goin' wild... Internet is has it's ups, but it also has plenty of downs; one is how attatched we get to it, we don't know what else to do when a fav social media site is down - shakin my head...

  3. Your poem made me smile, Sumana. While I could do without Facebook, I know I heavily rely on my devices and would feel lost without them.

  4. Hah hah nice take!! fb has become so much of a part of urban life

  5. Lovely thought :) Facebook seems to have taken a place in our lives (even in the lives of grannies ) and I think it could be a good thing :)

  6. Nice triolet. At least with poetry blogs , we are being creative using out intellects,writing form, grappling with serious issues expressed in our work. Facebook and twitter I will never belong to and I will also never own a smart phone. I spend so much time on the poetry blogs already . I do not know how anyone has time for anything else. Good choice of topic Sumana.

  7. I am not into FB or Twitter but I can imagine what it would be if its down that people feel like - The Earth stopped spinning yester night ~ Clever use of triolet with rhyming verses ~


  8. Oh - horrors indeed! I am surprised the world did not come to an end totally...with FB being down for half an hour. Smiles..

  9. i gave up FB three years ago...i am so infrequent on twitter it is a wonder i can remember my many things i really dont need to know, you know.

  10. I held off on FB for years, but after retirement, I found old friends from 40-50 years ago, & it has been a joy to reconnect with them. I use it like a blog now, sharing unique images, my poetry, my movie reviews; & Twitter is my primary dVerse connection. Yet when I vacation, I go weeks without peeking at even my email; nice use of triolet for the repetition response.

  11. This is really clever - made me smile.

  12. I smile, Sumana. I drift in and out of FB consciousness, but am never at a loss for it. But this was a truly enjoyable read.

  13. Your triolet made me smile odd is the appeal of facebook and how insidious. Repeat lines here make it very effective.

  14. Topical, clever, witty and perfectly formed - a very fine triolet :-)

  15. true words forming beautiful triolet..very nice sumana:)

  16. The repetition in this piece drives home how slavishly we have allowed ourselves to be ruled by this strange “social” entity. Well done!

  17. i once loved the whole social media idea but so tired of fb at the moment... too many things going on there that i get mad about...

  18. Yes, it was a startling experience! I like this serio-comic treatment. :)

  19. I can't quite explain why, but I had a sense of Kermit the Frog speaking this piece all grand-like into his microphone. (And as such, it was snorting-ly funny to me:)

  20. Nicely done Sumana, so long as you don't want to get off when it stops spinning.

  21. This was well crafted. Especially considering how internet addicted so many of us are

  22. Good writing here. :-)
    I would have cried a "bit" too if FB goes off for long. :-)

  23. *smile* It used to be the neighbouring store, where people gathered and exchanged "talk". But then the society lost hold, and we were isolated from each other. That urge to count will not disappear, though, so Facebook will live for a while.

  24. Oh.. this is so true.. what would happen if we lost all those connections..

  25. If it does stop spinning, I hope I am in the place with the endless sunsets!

    My belated effort (I missed the cut off) is here.


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