Wednesday, 30 July 2014


Gandhiji : google image

The chopped off thumbs

Of the artisans of Muslin

By the British rulers

Might have entered

Into Gandhi’s dream

Moist with the tears

Of the Bengal weavers

A majority of them were Muslims

That chanted in each cell

Of the nonviolent man

To make a call to boycott 

British goods later on

And to return to spinning

It was not a call to turn against technology

But to boost an economy

And to bring a smile to the mass

That were sinking into abyss

Day by day by inhuman

Oppression by human kind

That came from far away

Crossing seven seas and thirteen rivers

To suck blood from this ancient land

That never knew aggression

And only spread peace

Across the world

A place where philosophy was born



Posted for Susan’s Midweek Motif ~ Boycott @ Poets United



  1. Exhale from every cell. I did not know about the thumbs. The cells do chant and hold the line against the aggressors' goods! The British counted down their own doom as India re-found itself. Beautifully revealed and sad/proud.

  2. this is imperialism...we come in conform please...and they absorb...and improve...until someone decides to make a difference.....ugh...nice write

  3. Love the last lines: 'That never knew aggression
    And only spread peace
    Across the world
    A place where philosophy was born'

  4. Crossing seven seas and thirteen rivers seemed so poignant to me...a land of goodness and patience..a poem beautifully spun

  5. Gandhi, one of my most beloved heroes. I will watch the movie about his life - which is exceptionally beautiful - this afternoon and reflect upon his life, and your poem. I did not know, either, about the chopped off thumbs and as always am astounded at man's inhumanity to man. One of my other heroes is a young Canadian called Craig Kielberger who, when he was NINE, learned about child labor, founded an international movement to oppose child slavery and still works at this as a young man today. Wow.

  6. I admire the man very much ~ What one man can do to bring peace ~

  7. Not a lot to be proud about at times.

  8. Gandhi's message of peace and non-violence is one of hope. His teachings offer a path to resolving conflicts and avoiding violence by embracing peaceful solutions.

  9. Good job Sumana. I heard he was a great man because I was just a little guy when he was alive. I have always had a passion for humanitarians and he is up there with Mandela, Princess Diana, King, and Mother Theresa...oops! and Pope John Paul II. God bless them all and you too Sumana.

  10. A boycott of any magnitude will work out because of the awareness created by the fact. The good thing it was non-violent! Nicely Sumana!


  11. don't get an empire by being nice chaps. And sadly as we see from the world today nothing much has changed. Desire of wealth and resources into the pockets of a few, drives war. It would all be easily winnable if one could persuade whole populations to not buy certain goods...will never happen...noone wants to be's someone else's problem.

  12. Civilizations always take from those content to "be."
    A powerful poem Sumana.
    So many lies
    too many justifications
    when man smothered beauty
    bringing his own demise

  13. indeed a place where philosophy was born... what a beautiful memory of a beautiful country Sumana!! loved it!!

  14. one of my favorite people in history ~

  15. Beautiful tribute to one of my heroes. We need to remember him.

  16. Very lovely poem. One of the good people who cared.


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