Tuesday, 9 September 2014

A Birth

image source here

In suffocating pressure

Heart and soul burn

Gasp for a dot of air, light

And pray a million years

To be released

From the hellish dungeon

Once out

Days of

Planning, Cleaving, Bruting

Begin; days drag on

Till bathing in acid

Is done meticulously

Only then the pallor is gone

A radiant luster peeps

The whole body glows

The diamond smiles

All suffering ends

Without darkness

There is no birth of light


Posted for Anthony’s prompt @ dVerse Poetics – Bringing Light To Darkness


  1. cool... the pressure a diamond endures until it sparkles in all its beauty surely can teach us a good lesson... light comes never easy it seems...

  2. that last line pretty much sums up the entire prompt itself... Stellar write, Sumana :)))

  3. Hard to fathom at times that diamonds begin as lumps of coal, that pearls begin as a grain of sand, that we begin as one-celled organisms; great take on the prompt' a real gem of a write.

  4. I think that one has to see the darkness to know the light.. and pure light is a darkness in itself.

  5. I specially love that last two lines ~ You gave darkness a different perspective in the birthing of the light ~

  6. Beautiful, without those periods of darkness how would we ever find the light?

  7. Diamonds out of pressure, nice metaphor

  8. Oh, this is beautiful Sumana. I love your take on this. Indeed, we need the darkness to appreciate the light, or for light to exist.

  9. Great take on the prompt and like others have said I love those last two lines.

  10. I like how you conclude this poem Sumana. It reminded me of the saying, thru suffering do we grow.

  11. The more i suffer in life the more i appreciate life..and the gift of dark..is certainly the light of light in dark for me 2..:)

  12. This poem makes me think of the eternalness of the light.

  13. The pain of birthing the self into light--so well expressed, Sumana.

  14. From the darkness comes enlightenment...perfect.

  15. This is wonderful, Sumana. A really unique take on the prompt. So true, diamonds have to go through the ultimate dark before rising to the light. I like your theme & approach.

  16. I like your darkness to light metaphor. Well done and very creative. http://www.still1.blogspot.com/2014/09/agony-in-congo.html

  17. Aaiii! Your ending is ambiguous: Are diamonds a soul-less light or a promise that of this time light will come? Very few people actually get the diamonds.

  18. That ultimate truth!
    "dot of air" is wow :)

  19. ... and that dot of air bring hope

  20. Beautifully worded metaphor, Sumana with wise last two lines.

  21. very interesting. I like the ending...that thought has been lingering in my head as I read the prompt and have begun reading all the responses, yet I have not figured out how to put it into words...and now you have done it for me so perfectly. lovely write.

  22. always good to escape a hellish dungeon

    Notes From A Metro Line

  23. I really do agree that to feel the light, we must first feel the pain, to know and appreciate what the light is for. Lovely write.

  24. True. It is hard to appreciate the light without having known the dark. :-)

  25. There is truth and wisdom in those last two lines. Reminds me of "'this better to have loved and lost...".


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