Tuesday, 9 September 2014


image source here

The words

I see have wavy face

Their space

Boundless and unfathomable

As I walk by their shores

Every single sunrise and sunset

Of everyday wear a virgin look

I think of tides, currents, expeditions,

And history of course


The words

Breathe salty air so closed to life

I dive into their depth

Holding my breath

Ah breathtaking truths, beauty

And dark hollows

Come in sight

No one knows if ever any light

Will there reach


The words

Are here from

Time immemorial

Breaking on the shores of heart

Reflecting a world within a world

Spoken, written, sketched, etched, sculpted and sang

By genius and common man

For me, you and all


Posted for Peggy’s prompt Sea @ poetry Jam


  1. Ah, words do have depth....as does the ocean. And I think about the timelessness of words & the timelessness of the ocean. And both have their breathtaking beauty. Your thoughts are deep here, Sumana!

  2. I like your analogy, Sumana. The words are like the sea. Both words and the sea are 'from time immemorial'. I also like the image that the words we weave break on the shores of heart.

  3. I like this Sumana comparing the sea and its mysteries to words, Thanks for posting so promptly.

  4. This is so atmospheric and paints the power in every word. Well done.

  5. Reflecting a world within a world
    Spoken, written, sketched, etched,
    sculpted and sang

    Wavy and salty that's how to remember seas and oceans and reflected in so many ways with words. That's nice Sumana!


  6. A delightful poem giving us plenty to think about.

  7. Love how the sea is spoken, written, sketched, etched, sculpted and sang, inspiring many.

  8. i like the introductory verse best; have a nice Wednesday

    much love...

  9. Another well done visual with oceans' deep. Just like you. A compliment of course.http://www.still1.blogspot.com/2014/09/agony-in-congo.html

  10. Words as an ocean...nicely done. I like the image for it that you found also.

  11. beautiful Sumana! Another great metaphor... sometimes word do mean more than what they seem!!

  12. So many wonderful lines in this Sumana! The depth that words have in our lives and the future....so like the sea....beautiful writing!

  13. Enjoyed this! I really like "breathtaking truths" and the last stanza.

  14. I especially love "breaking on the shores of heart".....beautiful.

  15. Many beautiful images and words. An excellent poem :-)

  16. I admire the comparison of words to the sea specially that second part - Breathe salty air so closed to life
    I dive into their depth

    The seas is grand muse of you and me ~

  17. Wonderful analogy - skillfully drawn!

  18. words and sea a thoughtful comparison, beautiful analogy

    See The Sea

  19. Lovely images, Sumana, and your words about words are very evocative!


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