Tuesday, 7 October 2014

If I Were

Neem Tree source

The tall Neem tree

Lovingly let the crow

Caw and clean its beak

On her dappled limb

If I were the Neem

Would I allow the scavenger

Come near me?

I wonder…..


The emerald pond

Beneath the Neem grieves

As he sees his sky pieced

By a sharp net of strings to trap birds

Hanging a few feet above him

If I were him would I ever let

The humans steal the bird-meal?

I wonder…..


Omnipotent humans

Know how to harness Nature

To meet all his demands

And cast Her away to silent tears

If I were Her

Would I ever let

These audacious worms live?

I wonder…..



Posted for Gabriella’s prompt “If I were Poems” @ Poetry Jam


  1. Leave it to humankind. Man will solve his problems the best way he thinks fit at the expense of nature. Wonderful write Sumana!


  2. If I were mother nature, I will give these worms a harsh lesson every now and then ~ A good one Sumana ~

  3. What a beautiful tree the Neem is. (We don't have them.) I admire these neme for allowing the cawing crow. An act of kindness, I think. I would, however, grieve along with the emerald pond seeing the nets meant to trap birds. And, as for humans, I'd say we need to learn from the neme tree about kindness.

  4. I think these worms are given lessons from time to time but they have a problem listening and taking heed. I like how your poem reminds us that Nature is there but needs to be cared for. What a beautiful tree!

  5. oh this turned rather sad...to be the place those birds were taken...would be hard to deal with...i would love to be a tree for many reasons...this not one of them...though i think there is much to life we can learn from trees....

  6. An interesting perspective. It appears that the Neem tree has already begun to give us lessons also...

  7. This is very interesting, to try to get inside the power and feelings of nature. Different and unique.

  8. i luv the refocus from 'if i were' to 'would i'

    have a good Wednesday

    much love...

  9. Oh my such a strong view of the weakness of human worms. Excellent.

  10. "Omnipotent humans
    Know how to harness Nature
    To meet all his demands
    And cast Her away to silent tears
    If I were Her
    Would I ever let
    These audacious worms live?
    I wonder….."

    I wonder too if mother nature is going to stand for much more of this. I think not. Loved this poem Sumana.

  11. Sumana,

    A lovely consideration, to be that little bit closer to nature. An interesting perspective!!


  12. Nicely penned, Sumana. The epistrophe repetition at the end of each stanza is haunting and thought provoking.

  13. This is so wonderfully thought provoking Sumana. A beautiful ode to nature and all it endures by man.

  14. Lovely take on the prompt Sumana....Mother nature is all about giving, only if human beings could learn from nature.

  15. loved the closing a lot ..very nice Sumana

  16. An introspective piece, Sumana. What would we do...

  17. Good poem, Sumana and I enjoyed the points of view you have highlighted. We harm nature at our peril...


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