Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Trees / Water / Life

image source here

So much nourishment, refuge, forbearance, forgiveness yet we care not

Mother being stripped, violated, strangled to death yet we care not

Sand tongues are growing longer and lapping up our life yet we care not

Motherless children wail for a droplet of mercy yet clouds care not


Written for Susan’s Midweek Motif ~ Tree(s) @ Poets United


  1. Ah, we're longing for the balance. And nature - the first one we're taking example from.

  2. This is incredibly powerful, with the long "sand tongue" and "children wailing for a droplet of mercy." Wow. And the world, as a whole, cares not, though many of us do. Fantastic, Sumana.

  3. The trees take such good care of us and you are so right we care little even as their bark is stripped away.

  4. Sometimes reality needs to be have done that most powerfully

  5. it is sad the treatment of our planet....and the trees keep us alive...without them what will we do?

  6. You must visit mine Sumana. You and I are thinking along the same lines. I love the strength in yours, the reality. Blessings to our trees.

  7. I like your change from "we" to "clouds" in the 4th line. It makes me think the we could also be the trees--not just us. Can the trees not care? And the land dwindles and the trees die aklong with the mother.

  8. Such is the tragedy of our life ~ I like the ending twist from people to clouds ~ Someday, mother nature will turn her back to us ~

  9. Very moving. All life is interconnected. No part can be violated without wounding the planet.

  10. Sadly so many of us in the commercial world see nature and especially trees as expendable commodities. Our children's children will find out that this is not the case.

  11. Destroy trees and you get deserts.Simple really !

  12. it's sad that we do not appreciate what has been given to us ..good one Sumana

  13. Such a great environmental poem.

  14. Too true! I like your use of the refrain to make this very sombre point.

  15. We really need to stop caring, don't we? Somehow we often seem to forget how Mother Nature has cared for us over the years.


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