Tuesday, 25 November 2014

How to Sleep


Switch off the world

That glitters on screen

Or buzzes in your ears

At least two hours before

You go to bed

Hang a No Entry board

Inside the beautiful premises

Of your mind

So that no unwanted thoughts

Lay siege to your fort

Even if they shout outside

In their glaring silence

Simply ignore

Talk less

Food mustn’t be heavy

Neither for the body nor mind

Take a simple book

Even a children’s book would do

Mustn’t read lying

Sit and read

It’s good if the bed is comfortable

But mind needs the real relief

There’s no need to panic

If sleep doesn’t descend on the eyes


Feel happy

Close the book

Switch off the light

Lie down


Good Night


Posted for Gabriella’s prompt ~ A How To Poem~ @ Poetry Jam


  1. Lovely and serene . . . shushing the world around you down. Perhaps those having sleep issues should read your poem before retiring for the evening, Sumana. The words, are very conducive, I think, for sweet dreams.

  2. I really love this poem, Sumana. At times in my life I need to follow the advice given. If only one could keep those unwanted thoughts away.....and not panicking is definitely key. But, ha, right now I am going to bed with a magazine to read. I hope it does not detract from sleep.

  3. I love your poem, Sumana! I do have sleeping issues but usually in the middle of the night. Maybe I should still follow your advice and avoid any screen before I sleep. I will now grab a new book and see if sleep comes!

  4. ahah, what a sweet sound sleep we all will have then!!

  5. I am about to do this in exactly this order! Great advice! But I always read in bed, a lifetime habit, cant break it!

  6. Close the book
    Switch off the light

    Great ending, Sumana! That is a sane thing to do. One gets to concentrate but is forced to give way to sleepiness.


  7. Lovely read!
    Enjoyed reading this! :)

  8. A perfect end to perfect days.

  9. Nice one.well written.But for me sleep is my best buddy.just a thought to take rest and then you can see me sleeping in the next 5 minutes..

  10. peaceful reminders of rest...

  11. I am going to try this. Sounds very promising.

  12. Ha I am writing this in bed and it is 3 AM.

  13. Sumana,

    Superb advice for the kind of sleep I usually crave!! A true gift to oneself, if your advice is accepted...


  14. Well done! This 'how to' is applicable to everyone of us, isn't it. Really good one. :)

  15. it is the switching off the world that often gets me...i dunno why my thoughts run rampant when i put my head down...slept wonderfull yesterday though.....

  16. Now I have learned how to sleep, great

    Dear Weaver

  17. Now, perhaps it is the hour I'm reading this, perhaps it is the words, or perhaps a bit of both...but I am certainly being lulled into a comfortable, sleepy mode right now! Nice gentle words to ease one into dreams!

  18. Switching off the laptop is important!
    I find that tough & hence sacrifice my sleep :)

  19. Excellent way to end the day and to begin next with positivity. I often follow the rule switching off from world hours before sleep. Loved your take :)

  20. We take it for granted that we lie down and go to sleep... So many people suffer from terrible insomnia. Good advice!


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