Tuesday, 12 May 2015



Will the moment surface

When the dark dolorous waves

Will cease frothing and crashing

To sheer ripples

Then leisurely

Lie supine

Like placid tranquility

In my heart?

If that ever happens

I will play with the pebble

Of Thy Name

The game skipping stones

And make it touch the calm

A hundred times

And be a silent witness

To the ripples of Thy Light

Swirling up higher and higher

Till a huge tsunami

Of Thy Love

Swallows me up




Posted for Poets United Midweek Motif ~ Waves 


  1. Oh, I hope that those dark waves WILL stop crashing about & that all will be calm soon once again. I do wonder sometimes if those crashing waves we sometimes experience point us in the direction of the True Peace we can find inside ourselves.

  2. It is so important to see the ones we loved all around us, in the clouds, the trees, in the flowing water and in birdsong; always reminding us they are not that far away.

  3. How I love the journey here from threatening to receptive to participatory to consuming! I would like to stay in the skipping stone and silent witness part for a long time. The inner life is as vast as an entire world!

  4. I expect as your love will remain so will the sadness of those waves..however i hope that there is comfort in remembering..of finding the smalls grain of sand..better still a stone..to stay connected to the ones we love and miss..a fine piece to open your Motif prompt

  5. Wow.. beautifully written.

  6. This is so beautiful... loved this intense & emotive piece.. :D
    Lots of love

  7. love is hidden deeply inside the sea and comes up with the mighty waves of emotions.

  8. Praying. May those mighty waves stop spilling one into another, full or fluid, guided by God. Amen.
    Beautifully penned, Sumana.

  9. I love that "huge tsunami of Thy Love"....so beautiful, Sumana. It makes my heart leap.

  10. I love your contrast of the Tsunami force (that is frightening) to the lapping ripple (tat calms).
    Those waves that come so unawares are unsettling.
    My prayers for the calm waves to soothe and thank you for hosting.

  11. so much love can only make you more beautiful
    have a nice Wednesday

    much love...

  12. LOVE the idea of playing skipping stones with the "pebble of thy name." Fantastic.

  13. Just the whisper of some people's name can cause huge storms...

  14. I specially like this part:

    Till a huge tsunami
    Of Thy Love
    Swallows me up

    Happy to see you as part of the team Sumana ~

  15. Sumana,

    Such majestic power is invoked within your poem; the draw and the fear. Then a contrast, when everything settles into that placid lull..Love can behave in much the same manner, for some people!!

  16. Till a huge tsunami
    Of Thy Love
    Swallows me up
    Forever.......................... wonderful.

  17. A beautiful and heartfelt prayer! May it indeed be so.

  18. It doe resemble a prayer with a great trust in God's love !

  19. Magnificent images were born in your waves...I like "Swirling up higher and higher
    Till a huge tsunami
    Of Thy Love" ~ Eternal wave of Love! ~ beautiful

  20. This is a beatiful prayer Sumana. I hope this ccmes true for you and that healing does swallow you up.

  21. Feelings and words have been wonderfully grafted....the swirling tsunami may embrace us all for the eternal tranquility....

  22. Wonderful prompt Sumana and a lovely write a well. I do hope the dark waves subside.

  23. Great poem, liked the way you used your prompt.

  24. Play with the pebble of your name - I absolutely love that line, there is so much you can read into it. You can really feel the build in this as well.

  25. " I will play with the pebble Of Thy Name" - such an evocative line.

  26. This describes so well a situation where a soul in torment feels so powerless in the face of the raging storm and crashing waves of existence, Sumana. The appeal to the Deity, and hope of finding shelter in His love is what makes the poem so beautiful.


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