Tuesday, 21 July 2015



The old man’s indolent moments

On the railway platform on a bench

Pass luxuriantly watching

These huge steel centipedes

Pouring out humans from their

Square metallic yawn

And taking away equal amounts

To some near and distant places

After long hours were well fed with dreams

He rises and goes home

Leaving a deep sigh and the shards

Of his hued youthful past

On the unending long floor


Posted for dVerse Poetics: All Aboard


  1. A day in the life of a train! Beautiful!!

  2. Another take on the 'trains are for old men' thought - loved the
    huge steel centipedes
    Pouring out humans from their
    Square metallic yawn .
    Certainly there is something nostalgic about them, yet the prompt proved that we are all secret train lovers at heart!

  3. Pouring out humans from their
    Square metallic yawn... lovely...seems to me that while people are fascinated by trains and get nostalgic about them, trains have had enough of human freight :)

  4. Oh.. visitor of only passerby of trains..
    watcher of TV.. and so many
    other vicarious human ways..
    to avoid being human..
    sadder than the

  5. Wonder what it is that pulls him there every day to watch. Bif metal centipedes, Ha. Cool way of putting it. Some nice tactile words too as this goes along. I feel a bit of a grit.

  6. This is absolutely magical :D

  7. I specially like your description of the train here:
    These huge steel centipedes
    Pouring out humans from their
    Square metallic yawn

    Hey, I people watch a lot too ~

  8. Yes - like promises for others that he is content to merely watch.
    Some day even for me, that will be excitement enough.

  9. Well, I can definitely picture this man! I am sure he must have had many adventures on trains when he was young....daydreaming is a nice pastime sometime for those who have passed the age of adventure.

  10. Train stations, bus stations, city parks--old men gather to daydream, to people watch, & to reconnect to the energy of others. Very nice take on the train prompt; like several others, you got me at those delectable steel centipedes.

  11. "huge steel centipedes"--love that imagery :-)

  12. Nice. I like the dreaminess of the old man't passtime and the way you tell his story.

  13. I like the description of the train - just an excellent and imaginative visual. The old man and the train - makes me wonder why he goes there every day - to just people watch? No place else to feel at home? This poem gave me a lot of thoughts. I like to people watch myself.

  14. love that you describe them as steel centipedes... and sounds like he has some vibrant memories of trains... i have too from my childhood

  15. steel centipedes indeed! Very unique description. Nice

  16. It is understandable perhaps he had a yearning of a train ride every so often. After getting off one wants to board again.



  17. Dear Sumanaroy

    I loved the idea of one being well fed with dreams. As if the train and dreams can sustain his purpose in life. Poignant.


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