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any picture comes to my mind, i try to give it a body of words, love to sit on other blooms, for honey, color, fragrance........
Tuesday, 30 September 2014
Like Durga Herself I am home
My mother celebrates our coming
She waits like Menaka* for the whole year
For this festive month
Alas! Where is Giriraj** my father?
There is joy everywhere
Nature drapes herself in beauty
Human-butterflies flit and enjoy
Pandal hopping***sucking honeyed festivity
Alas! Autumn’s misty eyes shed
On this auspicious day
My only prayer for the daughters
of my land is—
Be Thou Durga
Ride the lion of faith
Destroy Evil forever and bless one
and all
*Menaka is the mother of Durga
**Giriraj is the Himalayas, the father of Durga
***The makeshift huge structures where the beautifully
handcrafted idols of Goddess Durga are kept and people enjoy seeing them. There
are thousands of such podiums where idols of Durga are installed along with
stunning artwork and light décor throughout the cities, towns and villages.
Posted for Abhra’s
prompt Modern Mythologies @ dVersePoetics
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Rabbits raining from an empty hat
Or the beautiful lady being cut
in halves
Man walking on the flowing Thames
Or Criss Angel coming out
breaking chains
We see you
Amazing magicians!!
And your art!!
A tangerine sky strains the sun
from dark hours
Myriad life forms to sparkle
For unbearable life there’s
death’s caress
Law tied cosmos can’t dream of a
We can’t see you
Amazing Magician
Where Art Thou?
Posted for the prompt Magic @
Poetry Jam
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Create a Festival
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String lays of all tongues into a
sparkling garland of rhythm and dance
(This is written in American
Sentence of seventeen syllables)
Posted for Susan’s Midweek Motif ~ Heritage Day @ Poets United
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Playful Clouds
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It’s time
Clouds ought to put forth
Their white sail
Smile indulgingly
At the Kans grass
Be happy
Seeing their pretty faces
On the placid sheets of water
Where honey talks are going on
Between the blue lotus and the
And look at the glistening fronds
Swaying gently and beckoning
The festive days
But the naughty clouds
Won’t listen to you
Putting on black garbs
They’ll pass time
In nightly carousal
And if you are alone like me
Waiting for the loved ones
To return home safely
Then you are their chosen victim
They will break into your house
Turn everything topsy-turvy
And make you dance
All the while they are in
Their play is our ordeal
Will they ever know that?
Posted for Alan’s prompt Clouds @ Poetry Jam
Sunday, 21 September 2014
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Frosty light squeezed in
Between hues of fall and spring
A white space of chill
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A wordless cold war
Sapping color, warmth and love
A bridgeless vast gap
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A space odyssey
The blue planet bids farewell
Ties are still intact
Posted for HaikuHorizons prompt “Space”
Shared with Real Toads
Saturday, 20 September 2014
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university students raise their voice against atrocities of police & demand ouster of Vice Chancellor image source here |
The darkness
Hid them all
Even their suffering
But their musical voice
Clapping of hands
Pulled the sun hard
From the dark horizon
The hostile sky was forced
To smile in colors
Of rainbow
I know
That color band is not for long
Will there be a storm?
If there is let there be
I love their song
Halla bol Halla bol**
*Braving rains thousands of students from Presidency
University, Calcutta University, Jadavpur University (JU) and other educational
institutions marched on Kolkata streets on Saturday in a show of solidarity
demanding resignation of JU VC after the alleged brutal police action on
students inside JU Campus in the early hours of Wednesday.
**Raise your voice in Hindi
Posted for Poetry Pantry @ Poets United
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
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Some people are crazy
Bitten by the wander-lust bug
They would vie for
Looking at the same sun
Same moon and the same blue sky
To carve out a new meaning
They would risk their life
On the moon soil
Scratch their head
If they could have a mermaid
In the Mariana Trench
In the pacific
And some would delve deep
Into their soul
Listening to the song
Of consciousness
Entreating them
To open their eyes
To the cosmic dance
In their whole being
Through countless births
We all live for this craziness
Because this is life
Posted for Gabriella’s prompt Travel @ dVerse Poetics
In this land of festivals
Paddy harvesting
Brings color and joy
Many States
Celebrate harvesting
In diverse names
In Kerala it’s ‘Onam’
‘Bihu’ in Assam
‘Nabanna’ in Bengal
Tamil Nadu’s ‘Pongal’
From north to South
And east to west
All want to live in joy
In harmony and in peace
So in the name of harvest
No one misses the chance
To sing and dance
Design Rangoli*
In the hope
Of bringing good luck
Seeking happiness
And embracing tradition
*Traditional Indian decorations and patterns made
with ground rice, flour, colored sand, sawdust or flower petals done usually
during various festivals keeping both the art form and tradition alive.
Posted for Mary’s
prompt Harvest @ Poetry Jam
Saturday, 13 September 2014
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Kans grass under a turquoise sky: image source here |
I saw her
Tip toeing
In her deep turquoise sari
Embroidered all over
With white fleecy clouds
I saw her
Dewdrops from leaves and grass
And hanging out the feathery
Of Kans grass on the river banks
I saw her
Wiping off
The salty sweat of weary workers
And loosening their fetters of
On their busy fields
I saw her
Joy in every heart for
Of the coming festive season
Her Sheuli garland, lotus petals
sing fragrant songs

Sheuli flower: image source here

Posted for Grace’s Sunday’s Mini-challenge: September Sky @ RealToads
Shared with Poetry Pantry @ Poets United
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
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The words
I see have wavy face
Their space
Boundless and unfathomable
As I walk by their shores
Every single sunrise and sunset
Of everyday wear a virgin look
I think of tides, currents, expeditions,
And history of course
The words
Breathe salty air so closed to life
I dive into their depth
Holding my breath
Ah breathtaking truths, beauty
And dark hollows
Come in sight
No one knows if ever any light
Will there reach
The words
Are here from
Time immemorial
Breaking on the shores of heart
Reflecting a world within a world
Spoken, written, sketched, etched, sculpted
and sang
By genius and common man
For me, you and all
for Peggy’s prompt Sea @ poetry Jam
A Birth
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In suffocating pressure
Heart and soul burn
Gasp for a dot of air, light
And pray a million years
To be released
From the hellish dungeon
Once out
Days of
Planning, Cleaving, Bruting
Begin; days drag on
Till bathing in acid
Is done meticulously
Only then the pallor is gone
A radiant luster peeps
The whole body glows
The diamond smiles
All suffering ends
Without darkness
There is no birth of light
Posted for Anthony’s prompt @
dVerse Poetics – Bringing Light To Darkness
Sunday, 7 September 2014
Saturday, 6 September 2014
An Ordinary Life
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The first time I saw you
When our garlands were exchanged
On the wedding night
The first time I touched you
When our hands were tied by mantras
There was happiness all around
With tearful eyes my baba and ma
Gave my hands to you
To take me far away from them
Love was not at first sight
But there was no dearth of promise
By God’s grace we could give
A loving home to our only child
A very ordinary life
May not be with much color
With pomp and grandeur
With loud laughter and songs
Or feet aching dancing
Neither any rocking earthquake
Nor spewing of lava
Avalanche or quicksand engulfing all
I wonder why we are not
Bored to death
But we are not
May be because
The life is so ordinary
for Poetry Pantry @ Poets United
Thursday, 4 September 2014
A Day in Progress
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I’m on the brick pathway as chiming clock
tells me to move on. It takes a few steps from my door to reach there. As I
walk I grieve for the vanishing thickets with their birdsongs and all the trees
that have made room for the concrete. Vultures hover for a stray dog’s carcass.
The narrow lane is littered with cow dung and dog turd. My rickshaw puller
comes to take me to school. He grieves too. The battery driven eco friendly
Totos have arrived in my town carrying more passengers, plying with more speed
and less fare.
Blazing blue above
Black glasses cover all eyes
Brave sunshine school kids
Last minute preparation for Teacher’s Day Celebration
is in full swing. Sweat streams as teachers and students rehearse their one act
play and others remain busy in their own work schedule. One red and yellow
batik print cotton shawl is needed for the dance recital. The teacher
responsible is asking us if we could lend one. Ah flashes of lightning, strong
wind and torrential rains rejuvenate every spirit. We all wait for a cool bright
5th September*.
My clean red brick road
Sparkling eyes dispel darkness
Soft prayer ripples
*5th September is celebrated as
Teacher’s Day all over India in fond memory of the great teacher, philosopher,
scholar and the second President of India Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
This is my first attempt at a haibun. I am
not sure if I did the form justice.
Written for MTB d’Verse
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Stormy Weather ( A Tanka )
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Flashing nails tearing
Clouds into thousand pieces
She pines, heartbroken
Storm in a tea cup rises
All armchair politicians
Written for Susan’s Midweek Motif
~ Stormy Weather @ Poets United
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
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I really am an antique piece
I walk in sari, prefer flip-flops
A lady height impaired
Not extravagant
Never swoon over new fashion
Yet I like jeans
When next gen wears them
Not all varieties
Tattered or pencil ones
Are my eyesore
I am totally a fashion police
If an Indian lady my age
Puts them on
It’s….umm…..a faux pas
Jeans give them a droll look
So devoid of roots
I’m in a pall of gloom
Written for Laurie’s prompt Jeans
@ Poetry Jam
The Speaking Tree
No one’s here to talk aloud
Talk, talk, talk aloud
My lips are sealed
My word weary soul
Rests, rEsts, reSts
Songbirds wrest peace
From a whirlwind
And drop it into my heart
My eyes wearing the sky as kohl
Sees a world emancipated
From the fetters of word
I hear my magnolias speak
In brave, bold, fiery colors
Of those drops of blood
That were, are and will be
Shed, shed, shed everywhere
Wise, old leaves lying on the ground whisper
Assure me of Time, Peace, Birth and Fall
Colors, colors, colors reign here
My world speaks in hues
And connects all
This is for d’Verse Poetics where
we are writing poems on Claudia Schoenfeld’s art
I chose Claudia's my magnolias but I could not get it published for some unknown error. The sketch is wonderful and I wish someone would write on it. However I am posting mine.
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